Friday, March 26, 2010

Wanted to point out that the majority of volunteers that I met in Haiti were from the state of Tennessee.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I was recently part of a disaster relief team in Haiti. I could not have imagined the effects this trip would have on my life. I journaled a lot while there and will share those journal entries with you over the next several posts to this site. Please check back often to see the updates.
To the right you will see a photo of me and "Little Blue". I experienced an overwhelming desire to help; help in a way that would stretch my heart beyond it's preconceived limits. I wanted to do so much more. This trip, that at first had seemed slightly daunting, quickly became less about me and what I was giving and became completely consumed with what the people of Haiti needed and deserved as human beings. "Little Blue" was just one of the many who effortlessly worked their way into my heart and will remain there forever.